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Welcome to the Atkins Friends Century Club Photo Progress Pages

We are a group of lowcarbers who are members of the AtkinsFriends & LowCarbFriends bulletin board who have or had over 100 pounds to lose.



KathyCan is our graphics expert. She will get your pictures web-ready. Click HERE to email her.

Edna is our Webmistress and gets the "Bio" information and co-ordinates the project. Click here to email her.

Note: If you get confused, email either one of us and we will forward it to the proper person. Feel Free to join us. All we ask is that you are committed to getting healthy and loosing weight by following a proper WOE and WOL. All of us will give you our best support

Sit down, have a low carb drink and browse around. As you get to know us you will be amazed at how dedicated we are in our quest for health. We have a sense of humor, we are very loyal to each other and share our good and bad times together. We have "slips" sometimes but we pick ourself up and get right back on target.

Click on the navigation buttons to get to know each of us. If you have any question, would like to join or just to say "HI" email either KathyCan or Edna. We will direct you to the proper source or will find out how to. If you would like to get to know an individual "looser" let us know and we will arrange to connect you. Now sit back, relax and enjoy. If we can do it, you can too!