Greeneyez Menu's


Hello Everyone I have been trying to post this for hours. I am so mad, I could throw this thing! If this doesn't post soon,the only thing im gonna be KISSING is the PIZZA delivery man ahaha! This is going to be in 2 parts because it is long so look under this one for part 2. I may be at goal before I get this posted

I hope I can answer all of the questions you all asked in my weigh-in post. Before I start I would like to say. I don't want to give anyone bad advise. I honestly don't have all the answers. I can just tell you what I have been doing and what worked for me. With that said here we go...

I eat alot of the same things,that's just me,you can do what you like.
I don't have a set mealtime,I eat when im hungry. I just write it down on the page in my journal for the day as I eat it. On KISS you do not have to count your carbs if you only eat meat and veggies. I do for the most part,just to see what I am eating. I haven't ever gone over 20. But it is very much allowed! I don't count calories but I do know what most things are so I just try not to go too crazy with the meat,but I eat good and plenty...

I DO use mayo,hot sauce,and mustard and hot peppers. And I use butter for my veggies,I use 1 TLB for my veggies per meal. If I eat veggies 3 times aday I use 3 TLB of butter and so on. I use olive oil in my salads and for pan frying. I only use vinegar and olive oil for my salads.(No Ranch)I eat all kinds of meats(NO PROCESSED)...

*VEGGIES: I eat frozen broccoli & brussel sprouts. I eat canned green beans. I have cabbage fried in alittle butter and sometimes put onions in it. I love that! I eat canned tomatoes,mushrooms,lettuce,green pepper,onions,radishes,pickles,cucumber,celery,everything but carrots...

*I eat tuna,with mayo. I make it up and put it in the fridge and snack on it. Also hard boiled eggs,and canned kippered snacks, I eat ALOT of fried chicken! Because I like it. I like to buy wings and cut them up and I fry them in PEANUT OIL in my fry daddy When I have them I will eat up to 14 at a time  That is cut up so it would be 7 whole. I also like to fry a couple of eggs and put alittle mayo on them and chow down...

*SPICES: I use lite salt,pepper,onion salt,garlic powder,mrs. dash,adobo,the one without the MSG I hate headaches! and that's about it with them...

*I must also say the days I do regular Atkins,the ONLY treat I have is diet rootbeer with 1TLB of cream when I have a treat. Only 1 aday when I have it. I do not CHEAT at all. I just don't believe much in those LEGAL TREATS ha! I think they hold weightloss back. But I know for some people they need to eat them to stay on track and that's cool. Whatever works for you is the right thing to do. Go to part 2,under here..

310/266/199(First Goal)
*44 LBS DOWN* Updated 4/9/2001
Started Atkins 1/1/2001

[This message has been edited by Greeneyez (edited 04-10-2001).]

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Posts: 1386
Registered: Sep 2000

posted 04-10-2001 02:35 PM                


Here is a couple of days I had,im telling you it's not for everyone,and it's not easy at times but the weightloss is worth it to me...
*Day One...
Morning I had.
Tuna and mayo,I always eat 1 can and 1TLB of mayo.
(Sometimes I put alittle celery in it)

7 fried cut up wings,yes I eat the skin ha!
Dinner time,
3 big,I mean big pork ribs on the grill
lettuce,cuke,green pepper,onion,
with vinegar and 1/2-1 TLB olive oil

Hard boiled egg with hot sauce(if I want,I have 2 or 3.)
As you can see I hardly had many carbs. But you can have many! This is just what I chose to eat.

Day 2...
1 box of broccoli
1TLB butter

2 hard boiled eggs with hot sauce
1 can tuna
1TLB mayo

2 hamburgers
big salad with lettuce,peppers,onion,cukes,
radishes etc.
1/2 to 1 TLB olive oil and vinegar
A couple hot wings.(little wings)

*Here is a good KISS meal when your hungry. Put a salad with it too YUMMM..
I take gr.beef,onions,mushrooms,and season it real good how you like,then drain and add canned tomatoes,and heat it all up and I EAT IT ALL ha! Sometimes I even put a can of green beans in it too. I know one of my KISSER friends on here eats this too

*I mostly eat the same things,I just move and mix them up. The veggies and meat. Most of my other KISS days looks like these 2. Please remember this is not the KISS bible or anything like that,so do what is best for you. I just do this so my body doesn't get used to any one thing. Trust me it's not real easy if you don't like to give things up.

*I try my best not to eat after 6:00pm,but at times it goes to 7:00 That's kinda of hard sometimes watching TV at night and watching everyone else EAT! I just try to think of MONDAY'S weigh-in and suck it up haha! I always drink 110 oz of water aday,sometimes alittle more...
I hope I answered your questions. Check back on this thread and I will post IF I remember anything...

Oh yeh,about the pork rinds,someone asked. I don't know what to tell ya,I don't eat them on KISS. You just have to play with it to see what your body will take or not take...
If you try it too,I wish you all the best. And I want a update for all this typing,because I am a slow typer ahaha!
And this was a PAIN ahaha!

310/266/199(First Goal)
*44 LBS DOWN* Updated 4/9/2001
Started Atkins 1/1/2001