The Century Club Newsletter

Welcome to my first Newsletter: April 12, 2001

The Century Club:

Who we are. We are a group of committed low carb colleagues that have a hundred pounds or more to loose, more or less. We have all met at the Atkins Friends Bullentin Boards. AtkinsFriends

Our primary purpose is to support each other through our weight loss journey and in becoming more healthy. We do this through the Bulletin Board, Atkids Meetings, The PicturePals2001 Website, The Century Club Talk Show, This newsletter and email. (and any other way we can become successful. Our goal is to become healthy and thin.)

Girlfrand came up with the idea of taking our pictures on the 10th of each month after we have been awed by Shallymal's before and after pictures. This was so inspirational to us all. And the rest has just evolved from that concept.

We all want the pounds to just whoosh away, but realize that we put it on pound by pound and will need to take it off pound by pound.. We are not on a diet! the first three letters of this word is DIE and this is what we are not going to do.

We are on a woe - way of eating and a wol, way of living that is meant to nourish us for the rest of our healthy lives and to conquer our carb addition!

We are enjoying our journey and believe the journey is as important as the destination.

If you wish to contribute an article to the newsletter, be a guest speaker on the Talk Show or whatever, email me. EdnaShukis

My next talk show will be on Wed. April 18th at 10:00am and 10:00pm. Eastern Daylight Savings Time.

This time I hope to interview some of our Century Club Losers, who have lost 100 plus pounds or more. Amberoni has agreed to be the guest speaker at the 10:00am session, I have yet to contact the other speakers. (Hey I will do it.) If you know anyone who fits this category, please invite them to attend and feel free to call in.

To enter the Century Club Talk Radio Show, go to the PicturePal2001 Web Site and open the Century Club Radio Page... Click on the link that says to click here. Follow the directions to open the Radio. Once there you will need to test your mic (to Talk) and the speakers (to Listen)... When you are ready to talk, press on the little talk button on the radio dial. Make sure your mike is not too close to the speakers so we don't get a lot of feed back. A little form will pop up with some questions, fill out the form and submit and I will get the message. There is a little notice on my side that tells me how many listeners we have at any given time. We had almost 10 listeners the whole time, but when I checked the stats today, we had 29 listeners in all. (Hmmm so I guess a couple of hecklers weren't so bad - Yuk)

URL to PicturePals: PicturePals2001

I am also going to have a segment on "The Magic of Thinking Thin" reprogramming your subconscious for success, a very interesting concept that works.!!!

These are the other topics that have been suggested, I will tackle them one by one not necessarily in the order presented. I hope to have guest speakers that are experts on the subjects, like Kiersten for KISS, etc. Wish us luck.

1. Interview Century Club Members who have lost 100 pounds or more.

2. CLA and the other supplements and why they are necessary.

3. K.I.S.S.

4. Exercise

5. Types of Lo Carb Diets

6. Interview 808 State and Mangus and see how and why they started the LoCarbSite ( and the behind the scene workings of the site.) Mangus - Interview about her being on the cover of Dr. Atkins Magazine

7. Interview TinaKaye about her amazing weight loss and about being in the Atkins Catalog.

Any other suggestions?

Hope to see you all there. (or I guess I should say - "Hear" you all there!)

I shall get rid of the hecklers quicker, this time I won't be so dumb and ask them to repeat what they said, because I couldn't believe what I thought I heard. If any doubt I will only take callers from those I know to be ligit.

We are ranked #322 or 1175 Talk Shows, let's move the Century Club to #1!

We also had 1271 "Hits" on our PicturePals2001 WebSite yesterday "Yea"

I will send a notice the day before and again right before we start. Hope to see you all soon.

Remember "It isn't over until the fat woman sings, and she better sing soon, because she is shrinking."

Edna The Century Club Talk Jockey.

If you wish to be removed form this email list send me an email with remove in the subject. If you know anyone who would like to be added, send me email also or add them when you are listening to the show.