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The Century Club

Welcome to the Century Club Picture Pals Progress Pages

We are a group of committed low carb colleagues that have a hundred pounds or more to loose; more or less.  We have all met at the AtkinsFriends Bulletin Boards.  Our primary purpose is to give ourselves a visual picture of our weight lose on our journey to becoming more healthy.
This way when we get discourage along the way we can look back and see how far we have come.  girlfrand came up with the idea of taking our pictures on the 10th of each month, after we have been awed by Shallymal's before and after pictures.   This was so inspirational to us all.  We all want the pounds to just whoosh away, but realize that we put it on pound by pound and will need to take it off pound by pound.

We are not on a diet!  The first three letters of this word is die and this is what we are not going to do.  We are on a woe - way of eating and a wol - way of living that is meant to nourish us for the rest of our healthy lives and to conquer our carb addiction!

We are enjoying our journey and believe the journey is as important as the destination.

In case you think our names might be a little strange, they are the "handles" we use on our Bullentin Board and the little icons are our signature. Just makes us one big special family!

We laugh together, we cry together, but we share a common goal. We want to become the best we can be and that means living a healthy lifestyle which includes a good WOE.

To Meet us, click on the link of the member you want to meet and see their view of their journey

A woman mountain biking; Actual size=180 pixels wide

To reach our journey we must not only eat healthy we need to exercise and to drink plenty of water!

Click here to go toour favorite Bulletin Board where we all met! Once you get there click on Bulletin Boards and The Century Club. We hope you visit it and join in our desire to become our best.

Most of us are following a low carb way or eating (woe) and incorporating it into our way of living(wol).We follow Dr. Atkins or one of the other popular plans. To learn more go to our bullentin board at our favorite link.