SD - send me a copy of your icon by email. I could not "steal" it from the web! Edna
I live in Kingston, Ontario, Canada with my DH, 3 DD (4 yrs, 6 yrs, and 7.5 yrs), dog, cat, fish and a small aviary. ;) We have 4 family birds and currently 5 baby lovebirds. I started LCing May 17, 1998 at 285 lbs and after a very successful first two months where I lost 40 lbs, I chose to dive off the wagon for a "vacation" from the WOE. Good intentions weren't enough to get me back on track unfortunately. In October of that year I finally got back on for a while and lost what I'd gained and a few more. For some reason I can't remember (probably impending Halloween and looking for an excuse) :( I dove off the wagon again. The following January I started again and managed to lose an extraordinary 18 lbs during induction. After that, nothing. Nothing happened for 8 weeks when I finally threw myself off the wagon in disgust. Well, I keep a chart of my progress and to be honest, I was losing, just very slowly. I had lost 3 lbs more than ever before and had a new low but immediately bounced up again and couldn't get down for a few weeks. So off I flew and I fell hard. The fall of '99 was a very stressful time for me and was not a time to worry about my eating. Over the next year I regained a lot of the weight I had lost. I was back up to 278 from an all time low of 239. I knew in October 2000 that I needed to go back to LCing. I also knew I wasn't quite at the right point in my life to do it. So, I spent the next few weeks changing my thinking. I focused on the journey and not the end. I accepted that this was at the very least a 1 1/2 year long journey of wtloss alone and then the rest of my LC life would begin. I know LCing is the only way to go for me. Type II diabetes runs through my father's family and each member is getting it younger than the one before. My father was in his forties when he was diagnosed and mom and I both knew he had it years before he would admit it. I have to learn this WOL eventually so I might as well do it now and enjoy the benefits before I'm forced to make a change under a doctor's care who may not know about LCing and all it can do for me. SD 285/278/249/130 restart Jan 2, 2001.