Up until December 1998, after the birth of my 6th child, I weighed 249 (after delivering him) 260 was my highest weight. I went on the Depo shot for Birth Control and gained 30Lbs in 3 months, to a whopping 279, I couldn't walk anymore, to the bathroom and my legs would burn. I couldn't take a bath cause I couldn't sit in the tub. I was WIDER than the bathtub!! I was always one who took baths every night. I got off the shot, and happened to be talking to someone who was doing the Atkins Diet and had lost 40Lbs and I was watching her eat and I couldn't believe it, she was having MEAT ON A DIET! That was unheard of in my Low Fat brain. She gave me the name of the book and I read it that day and started the next day 8-30-99 at 279Lbs. I honestly thought Dr A. was a quack and I said, "This guy is a fool and if I so much as gain 1 pound, I'm suing". Well not only did I not gain; I lost 11 Lbs during induction. I stayed on it for 7 months, till March of 2000, and lost 61Lbs, my weight 218. I fell off the wagon and had a hell of a time getting back on; I finally did come back on 10-16-00 after gaining 54 Lbs back. My weight then was 272, today I weigh 237, so it doesn't come off as fast the 2nd time around but it has been coming off. My goal is to weigh 160, not thin by any means and I might change it when I get there and I might not. I don't care if I "Fit" into the weight charts. I want to "Fit" into ME!!!!!!! When I feel good and look good to me, then I'll be in maintenance. For the first time in my life this is being done for me! Not for a boyfriend, friends, to make people like me. It's so "I Like Me". That is my story and I'll bet you're sorry you asked!! Sheryl (aka "Atkins Sheryl")
 3-23-01. The one on the left is my highest weight of 279 in August 1999 and the one on the right was taken about 2 weeks ago at 238Lbs, so a 41 Lb difference. 
Atkins (on & off) since 8-99