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I CAN stick with this way of life!!!


This was me at 305 pounds. Since then I have lost 39 pounds, 30 of it since I have been on the Atkins Diet (started Atkins 1/26/01) I still have a long way to go. When I started this diet (Dr. Atkins) on January 26, 2001 I weighed 296 pounds. This much weight on a 55" frame was extremely cumbersome. I couldnt tie my shoes without getting red in the face. Just a fast walk to my car from work would find me out of breath. I hated to have pictures taken of me and didnt like to see myself in a mirror. I hated to shop for clothing because nothing looked good on me. I was very unhappy, unhealthy and totally disgusted with myself.

Ive tried so many diets. A few years ago I lost 85 pounds on a low fat diet, exercising 5 days a week, starving myself. I was extremely happy with this weight loss. Shortly thereafter I took a new job traveling around the US in within a year I had gained it all back. It was another year before I tried another diet. After that, I had pretty much decided that it was my destiny to be fat. My whole family was overweight and it was in my genes. There was just no way that I could ever be skinny.

Well, here I am today, trying another diet, the Atkins diet. You might ask "what makes this time any different from the others?" Thats what I thought when I first started, I now know why it is different. It is a complete change of life, not just a fad diet. Its the way that I will be eating from now on. Its been 3 months and I havent cheated once. Ive lost 30 pounds. All I can say is Wow. Can I stick with it? I think or should I say, I KNOW I can. This is a wonderful way of life. It is going to be a long journey but I hope that you will join me in my quest for a long, healthy, enjoyable life!