First off I want to just say how happy I am to have found this group and am so excited at the prospects of getting to know everyone and finally feeling like I belong somewhere. This has been a big help to me in my journey and with this type of support I know I can't go wrong! Okay ... I am 5' 8" tall, big boned (gotta add that), 39 years old and will hit the big 4-0 on October 8th. I've decided that I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. This weight I've been carrying around is making me feel old before my time and unhealthy and just plain miserable. It is a negative part of every aspect of my life. This said, I am still optimistic and basically a happy person (I cover the pain well, as we all probably do). I have finally had "ENOUGH" of feeling bad and have decided that I'm going into my 40's with a bang and instead of being over the hill I will just be starting the climb with so many things to look forward to. A little early background. I was born in Millington Tenn. - my Mom and Dad's first child. I was a pretty scrawny, sickly, and very thin child up until about 4 years of age. My Mom said she actually used to have to wake me up to feed me. I would rather sleep than eat (guess my metabolism was slow even then?). At four years of age I had my tonsils and adenoids out and just blossomed after that. My appetite and health came back with a vengeance and I haven't quit eating since - LOL!! I haven't tried every diet that's come around but have tried Weight Watcher's several times and while I lost quite a bit of weight each time I couldn't seem to keep it off. I really never felt like I fit in at those meetings. I've also been to Overeater's Anonymous and didn't feel right there either. I went on a low fat diet and lost weight in order to bring my cholesterol and triglycerides into an acceptable range. It helped, but not for long. I've tried Slimfast and other liquids but with only temporary success. Well, you get the picture. So here I am now at 309.5 pounds and working toward my long term goal of 150. It seems like such a long road ahead but "I'll get by with a little help from my friends". thanks to Girlfrand, Edna and KathyCan for their efforts in making PicturePals 2001 a reality!!!!
