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"Light Bulb Moment"

I started Atkins on 9/29/00 at 292 pounds. My life had reached "a light bulb moment" as OPRAH puts it!

I realized that I deserved the same love, care and concern for myself that I gave to my husband, children, family and friends...

I have learned along my journey to be a happier, healthier me. There are a few things I would like to share:

1. The choices I make will mold my tomorrows and the life I lead.

2. I am human and will make some poor choices along my way, but that's ok! I learn and move foward.

3. The learning process along my journey will keep me at my goal and not that magic number I want to be.

4. Last but not least, to count my blessing each day and live my life to the fullest it can be.

To this date (3/9/01) I have lost 49 pounds, have made lots of wonderful friends that I consider family at Atkinsfriends/Century Club. Still going strong with my WOE and WOL... With no regrets at all... ohme_29645




Ohme Progress Pictures

First Picture 40 pounds lighter!!
Second Picture "this is me after 54 pounds loss and 33.25 inches since starting this WOE 4/10/01"