Click here to visit The Century Club Talk Radio Show and to see our scheduled show times. If there is a topic that you would like to hear, let Any Century Club member know and email to Edna Our First Talk Show is scheduled for Wed, April 11, 2001 at 10:00am and 10:00pm EST (Daylight Savings Time) Click on the above link to enter, once there remember to put it in your Favorite Sites. To talk you will click on the "Talk" button on the radio dial. A questionaire will then pop up. Fill it in and submitt it, then it will let me know that you are available for talk. Lets have a big turn out!!! Our Talk Shows will be under the Category "Health" 
This will be my first attempt at being a Talk Jockey! If you would like to be a guest speaker, please let me know. What topics would you like to hear??? Email me by clicking on the link above. Edna I am canceling any more broadcasts until this fall. I have overextended myself and need to stop some of my activites. Sorry about this, but I find it necessary to do. Edna
Coming Attractions! 1. CLA and Supplements 2. K.I.S.S. 3. Exercise. 4. Testimonials from real people who have lost 100 pounds or more. 5. Types of Lo Carb Diets and their differences (or smilarities). 6. Hopefully and Interview with 808State and Mangus about setting up the Bullentin Board and The behind the scenes of running it. 7. Hopefully Mangus and her being on the cover of Dr. Atkins Magazine and the shoot. Read the article on The LCSite, very interesting. 8. Hopefull an interview with Tinakaye regarding her amazing weight loss and being included in the Atkins Catalog. 9. Check frequently for added topics.