

The Century Club | Century Club Radio Talk Show and NEWS | 5531200 | A_New_Me | afriend4u | amberoni | Atkids Meetings | AtkinsSheryl | BabyBluez | Banner Page | BethG | Bunny2 | CaliforniaGirl | Chunk | Circe | Contact Us | crankyman | Daddymac | Debij in CA | Deena | Dibblee | droppinglbs | DebbieInFla | Dumplings1964 | Dustyjonsmom | DVSABoss | Edna | Favorite Links | FitBeforeForty | fluffycat | glamourpuss | girlfrand | Greeneyez | Halebopp | HiHi | humbird | Ian'sGranny | Janie | Jenboh | JJ1957 | JPerry | KathyCan | Kathy54 | Kim | Krissy | LadyBug | ladypitboss | LindaD | lovOrca | MaryJoy and TracyPilot | meriweather | Mrs. Mary | Mom4Tori | Momof3gr8kids | Kathy W | murphyB | noexcuses | ohme_29645 | O_KAYE | Porker | Presh214 | queenmother | RadiantJan | Saje | SD | septembergirl | shrinknwoman | stress_queen | Teclo1 | turtleblue | WendyB | Updates!

Check Here for Most Recent Updates!!!

When I make changes to the PicturePals2001 Web Site, I will record them here as well as posting on the Century Club Bullentin Board. Edna - Web Mistress


1. Added Girlfrands Pic already.... <giggle> and she is beautiful!!!

1. Added Bunny2's before Pictures
2. Added Bunny2's DH's before Pictures - Porker

These two are my very bestest friends, they also live in Florida, but on the East Coast! -Edna - WebMistress

1. Added septembergirl's induction faces

5/1/01 - Later Yet!
1. Added DebbieInFla Bio and this is her before Picture!

5/1/01 - Later - More incredible shrinking women
1. Added Mom4Tori April Progress Picture
2. Added KathyCan Progress Faces
3. Added DebbieInFlorida April Progress
- Need Bio Deb and a Before Pic if you can find one!!!

5/1/01 - Added more amazing beauties and other updates.

1. Added four pictures of the Florida gathering 4/14/01
2. Added Fluffycat April Progress Pics
3. Added caption under Amberoni's April Progress picture and added her daughter Alexa's name
4. Added a caption to Saje Pic (added her pic 4/30/01)
5. Added the WOK for HiHi and Offgrl to HiHi's page
6. Added shrinknwoman's before and progress picture
7. Added Mrs. Mary bio and pic
8. Added droppinglbs bio and pic

1. Added KathyCan's April progress pic

4/23/01 - A lot of amazing beauties added...

1. Added RadiantJan - pics and bio
2. Updated Greeneyez, added her pics, some bio and a link to her new website.
3. Added Amberoni - April Progress pics
4. Added FitBeforeForty - April Progress pics
5. Added BethG Before, Progress and bio
6. Added some Links to Favorite Links - I have a whole bunch to add but Tripod is so slow that it takes me forever, so I will only do a few at a time.
7. The Topics for this Wed Radio Show will be Goal Setting and Exercise. The show will be at 10am and 10pm to enter come to PicturePals and Click on the Century Club Radio and News Link... Click on the Radio, then follow directions.

4/19/01 updates

1. Added North California Atkids meeting
2. Added comment from WendyB under her pic
3. Added a Reprogramming link in the Radio News section! from 4/18/01 Radio Shows

4/17/01 - lots of changes.

1. Added momof3gr8kids and included a link to her web page!
2. Added Janie's progress pics for March and April
3. Added Chunk's before and after - no bio yet!
4. Added Meriweather's progress pics
5. Added Halebopp and a link to her progress pages on her web site.
6. Added glamourpuss, before and progress pics
7. Added MaryJoy and TracyPilot April Progress pic
8. Added Dumplings1964 progress pics.

Wow everyone looks so nice and you can tell they are doing good and feeling better about theirself!!!

Note: The counter doesn't show all the hits, just the ones that go to the first page. I was a little dissapointed but maybe that is more accurate??

1. Made many changes to the Century Club Radio page. Put a Radio Icon, that you can click to enter the Radio Room.
Added some tentative coming attractions. Put the newsletter on. You Need to click on the date you want to read and of course since there is only one, Click on 4/11/01 or 4/12/01 forget the date I put!

2. Added Counter to the bottom of the first page. Hey after the horse got away. <grin> but we are getting over 1200 hits a day sometimes and I wanted you to be able to see them.

3. Greeneyez _ Menu Added it to the bottom of her page as a click on .... a new page will pop up. I put up the post she made, including icons... was a challenge!!!

4. Changed Picture for afriend4u... She wanted the one that the terminator zapped gone... No new April progress pic, cause she said she stayed the same.

Have lots of changes to make, but the editor is so slow today, that I finally gave up!!

1. Added Daddymac April Progress Pics
2. Added Edna's April Progress Pics
3. Changed Greeneyez K.I.S.S. to give Kiersten credit for writing the rules of kiss. Thanks Kiersten for helping us all.
4. Added Update Page so that you can check for updates, rather than browsing the entire website. Thanks to lovOrca for suggesting a way. I will post updates here and on the Century Club Bullentin Board.
5. Yesterday we had over 1091 "hits" to our PicturePals!

4/10/01 addditional changes
1. Added SD's April Progress Pics

Friday we had over 950 "Hits" on PicturePals!
1. Added Dibblee's bio!
2. Added Kathy54 (another beauty!) bio and pics!
3. Put Greeneyez eating plan on her web page.
Still waiting her bio and pics!!!!! <smile>
4. Put Ohme's 4/10/01 progress pics up!!! Yea

1. Put another beautie up... Check out Dibblee on her Carlsbad Cavern Trip!!
2. Reminders - Tomarrow is April 10th, time for your monthly update photos if you haven't updated in the last week or so.
3. Wed - April 11th, our First Radio Talk Show at 10:00am and 10:00pm EDT
Topics - What topics do we want to discuss
How do you stop those cravings and not cave into them.

To enter the talk show, go to PicturePals, and click on the click on link... and follow the instructions from Lycos.

I think this will be fun and have lots of ideas to bounce off of you. When you get there to talk, click on talk on the radio dial. A questionaire will pop up and ask a couple of questions. Then it will let me know that you are ready to talk... Please feel free to come and join us, even if you are new.