Me and one of the twins getting ready for our exercise. Your read a lot about people on the board who don't go here or there (like swimming pool or gym) cause they are too big. But that is a terrible attitude and will hold you back. You have to get out there and do it! I was one of those people a while back. When I bought my bicycle, I would put it in the back of the van and drive 10 miles away so no one of my neighbors would see me. Not any more. I don't care what anybody thinks when I am trying to improve. Now I ride out the door and go to the gym 4-5 days a week. KEEP ON CYCLING!!!!! 
Check out our new WOK (way of kissing) program. We have found that if we are kissing it is impossible to be eating. Beware, if your spouse/lover/friend has really sweet kisses you may have to watch out for the carbs!!