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A Kodac Moment!

When I looked in the mirror one day and really saw what I looked like, I knew that I had to go on Atkins... Wow one Kodac Moment is worth a thousand words.


About me:
348/345/185 Started Atkins 3/6/2001
Spent 6 yrs in the Marine Corps
COBOL Programmer
Roofer for 15 years
Quit working to take care of twin daughters (since birth, they are now 9 years old)
Coach Girls under 10 Softball League
Love Computers, Digital Photography, Soap and Lotion Making, Chess (Played in the 1997 US Open)and bad Elvis imitators!!


Me and one of the twins getting ready for our exercise. Your read a lot about people on the board who don't go here or there (like swimming pool or gym) cause they are too big. But that is a terrible attitude and will hold you back. You have to get out there and do it! I was one of those people a while back. When I bought my bicycle, I would put it in the back of the van and drive 10 miles away so no one of my neighbors would see me. Not any more. I don't care what anybody thinks when I am trying to improve. Now I ride out the door and go to the gym 4-5 days a week. KEEP ON CYCLING!!!!!



WOK 4-25-01

Check out our new WOK (way of kissing) program. We have found that if we are kissing it is impossible to be eating. Beware, if your spouse/lover/friend has really sweet kisses you may have to watch out for the carbs!!