Tired of being tired!

The before photo was taken last July with my daughter. I weighed 250 pounds.
I started this WOE in August of 2000. There were a lot of reasons. I felt tired all the time, my body hurt, and I didn't have the energy for my daughter that I wanted to. SO - I had hit my all time high weight of 251 and decided that was it. August 1 I started I'm going to continue until I hit my goal. After that I will add some whole grains and fruit, but still stick to the :Sugar is evil and White flour too: philosophy :). I own my own company, AME, and I do custom programming and project management. I left the corporate world to have more time for my 5 year old. All things considered, I'm pretty happy with the way things are going. I would have had a much harder time losing the weight without the support of atkinsfriends. Thanks to everyone! Circe