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Tried other diets before!


The first one is of me on Halloween night. That is the best I can do for a before shot since I was so good at hiding behind things when pictures were being taken.


I am 26 married with one daughter that is 3 and another that is my little angle watching over us all. I am a SAHM which in my opinion is the most important job around. I will most likely return to phlebotomy once she is in school unless there is another little one by that time.

I have tried every diet I could get my hands on and never managed to lose much weight. I always felt it was my failure not the diet. I just thought maybe I didn't try hard enough or maybe I just didn't want it badly enough.
Something clicked when I decided to try Atkins again. I had done it for 8 days a few years ago but my husband got scared and talked us out of doing it.

I am so very glad that I tried it again and did not listen to anyone or anything except my body. I feel great and for once in my life know that I will be at a healthy weight before the year is up! What a great feeling!

Thank you Dr. A!



The second one would have been quickly deleted had I not been on the Atkins WOE and known that it would serve as a good reminder in the future why I should not go off the WOE! I still look so fat in that one but I must remind myself that I am 25 pounds lighter in that one than in the first shot.


I could NOT see my loss very well until yesterday! I went to Busch Gardens and got a year long pass. After I got home I compared that pic to the one I got for the zoo in Feb. I finally see the difference in my face! I knew my clothes were getting bigger but I still felt the same, you know?


April 2001 Progress Picture