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Just Sloshing the Pounds Away!!!

Always have one of these Near when you are on the Atkins WOE/WOL

*SWOOSH* >gurgle< (Flushing sound for KathyCan)

DebbieInFla Before

Debbie and daughter Jennifer 4/14/01 at Florida Atkids gathering.

Hi all!!

I am a 35 yr old Mom of 4 in Florida. I have had a weight problem since the third grade. I can't remember a time when I was not getting rude treatment, and *funny* looks from everyone. I have many times heard the old thing, "Oh, but you *could* be so pretty." I think I had pretty much given up on ever being healthy or nice looking. I tried to diet (of course) and failed everytime. Always hungry, grumpy, feeling deprived. Always uncomfortable about going to public
beaches, water parks, or anywhere I had to dress in something that I imagined didn't hide my considerable problems.

Then one day I was babysitting for a friend. His wife had a copy of Dr. Atkins "DANDR" on her kitchen table, and I began to read out of boredom. I bought my own copy on the way home that night, and went shopping the next day. It was like coming home. I have found a plan for eating that I can live comfortably with for the rest of my life.

My *Before* picture was taken at my first meeting of the Atkins Friends Century Board, the Florida West Coast members. I feel blessed every morning when I wake up and turn on my computer. Who knew a bunch of strangers would be so important to me? These people are so full of encouragement, tough love when needed, and concern for one another. I have a good feeling about my new WOE now, for who could fail with such a wonderful support system?

My *Before* picture is actually 16 pounds less than my all time high weight of 326. I have been very good at avoiding cameras so my choices of a picture were pretty limited.

Low carbing is doing so many good things for me apart from the obvious (weight loss). I have Hypothyroidism, and am told I will be under treatment for this for the rest of my life. Last summer (2000), after being on Atkins for a month, my doctor did my routine bloodwork for my medication refill. He was shocked with the results, because they were better than they had ever been. He asked me what I was doing. I was honest, and braced for the inevitable chastisement. Much to my surprise, he scratched his head, and said there must be something to this Way Of Eating. He is a total supporter now.

Last October, I fell off the plan. I can't for the life of me come up with a sensible excuse for this failure. I had lost 47 pounds in 3 months, and was feeling great.

Since then I had gained back all but 16 pounds of my super loss, and made several half-hearted attempts to return.

On April 7, 2001, I finally put my foot down, and decided I wanted to live to see all 3 of my daughters married, and be healthy enough to help raise my future Grandchildren.

I am not exercising as I know I should, but I do get out there for at least a short walk with the kids every day. On days when I do have the time to walk, I get in usually 2.5 or 3 miles pushing Alyson, my youngest, in her stroller.

The next picture I will try not to post until I have lost at least 40 pounds (so at 270 pounds). Since I started the KISS (Keep It Simple Sweetie) program today, hopefully that shouldn't be too long from now.