Hi, my name is Saje and I belong to the Century Club at Atkinsfriends.com! I started Atkins 11/17/00 at 335 pounds. During research about Gastric Bypass Surgery I discovered the Atkins plan. I decided to try and eat this way as a test before surgery, so I'd know that I would be able to stick with the eating plan after surgery. I 've lost so much weight, with relative ease that I decided to try to loose all the weight with Atkins! Recently I decided to simplify my life, quit my job as a lab coordinator at a university psychology lab, and became a stay at home mother and wife. Yes, laugh! I DID say SIMPLIFY! It's been a really interesting transition, but I love it with all my heart. In addition to being better for my FAMILY - our lives run MUCH more smoothly than before - it has also been great for ME! I have more time to myself to pursue my hobbies AND my wight loss. I work out daily at a local gym and spend LOTS of time on the Century Club Board!! Currently I've lost 46 pounds with Atkins, and I know the rest will come off too! My goal weight is 135 pounds! Keep comming back and watch me shrink! :) P.S. Another motivational factor for the Century Cluby, I am going to get us on The Oprah Show!!! So keep on loosing. |