Hi, My real name is Evelyn. I'm 48, divorced, and have a son/26 and a daughter/22. My daughter is still living at home and is trying the Atkins WOE too. I was average weight until around 10 years ago when I became a computer programmer. Now I am a network administrator and keep putting on weight. I have degenerative arthritis in one knee and was told I would need to lose weight if I don't want to be cripple. I can't afford that and I certainly don't want to be single the rest of my life either. It's like my whole future depends on me losing weight. I am 5'2" and I weigh 255lbs. Atkins is the first diet program I have found that has really made any sense to me. I started this WOE on 2/25/01, but after 3 weeks I didn't lose anything so I binged all of last week. I restarted yesterday. I WILL NOT be Fat @ Fifty...lol