Hi everyone, My name is Kathy. I am your average everyday grandmother... I love to sew, bake cakes, cook for my family and take care of my pets. I just happen to program missles for a living. Actually I am a Software Engineer and I work for a defense contractor in Huntsville Alabama. I am living alone for the first time in almost 5 years. For the past 2 years my life has been in a constant state of change. In Oct '99 I relocated from Baltimore to come ack home to Alabama to get help from my family in caring or my mother, who was very ill. She had been living with me in Baltimore. She passed away last November. In the rocess of relocating I ended up moving 4 time in 9 months, while I was building a new house. My daughter and grandchildren also lived with me for a while. She has now remarried and they moved away last month. That leaves just me here; me and 4 cats and 2 dogs. Actually I will take 1 cat and 1 dog to my daughter in Florida in a couple of weeks. At the time my daughter was moving out I took a hard look at myself. I had negelected my health and appearance for so long. My weight had ballooned to almost 260 lbs! I was eating constantly and never getting any exercise. I just plain felt sick! No wonder. I checked my blood sugar one day and was shocked to find it was in the 160's! That isn't terribly high but it is more than it should have been. It really frightened me. My mother had been a diabetic. It was her glucose meter I used. I knew I had to make some serious changes in my life. I decided to go on a low-carb diet. I had done it over 20 yrs ago and had lost a significant amount of weight. I came to the Lo-carb friends website looking for receipes and ideas and found friends and a home. I discovered so much information I didn't even realize was important in this WOE/WOL . The support I have received from everyone here has meant all the difference to me. Thank you all. As soon as I can get someone to snap a new pic of me I will send an update.
 My before Pictures