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Tired of living on the sidelines!

My name is Lisa. I have a wonderful husband (Stuart) and two children, Kevin(15) and Emily (4). I graduated from Purdue University in 1983 with a degree in nursing, but have been a stay at home mom since August, 1996. We live in a small town in Indiana, about 20 miles SE of Chicago.

Turning 38 last year (2000) and realizing that 40 was just around the corner, was a real wake up call for me. I knew if I didn't do something, I wasn't going to make it to my 40th birthday. Having failed miserably at every diet I have ever tried since the age of 4, I thought gastric bypass surgery was my last (and only) hope. But with my many health problems, I also knew the surgery would be very dangerous. In an attempt to lose a few pounds so I would be a better surgical risk, I started low carbing on October 29, 2000 at 362 pounds.

While it hasn't always been easy, I've lost more weight than I ever dreamed possible and I feel better than I have in years. I no longer even consider bypass surgery an option, much less my only hope. I am tired of living on the sidelines. My youth may be gone, but I think I have a few good years left in me yet. So I'm going to make the most of it and with a little help from my friends on the Century Club BB, I am going to lose this weight once and for all.

Lisa aka FitBeforeForty



Before pic: taken Sept. 1998. Like a lot of the folks, I tend to shy away from the camera, so I don't have many before pics to choose from. When this pic was taken, I was still on my way up. I gained another 40 pounds between the time that pic was taken and the time I started this WOE. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I don't have any pics of myself at my highest weight.


Current Pic: taken on March 10, 2001. The jeans I am holding up were uncomfortably tight when I started this WOE. When my daughter saw me trying these on to have my pic taken she said, "Those jeans are way too big for my 'little' mommy!" It was probably one of the sweetest compliments I will ever receive.


April 2001 Progress Picture