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Wanted to play with grandson!

I have been on the BB for several months and on Atkins since August, 2000. Had a grandson on the way and son said- "mom, if you intend to get on the floor and play with Ian, you're gonna have to do something about your weight"

so, here we are...

we would love to be a part of your pic. page... we took photos on the day we started and have had them hidden away since then. I pulled them out today and compared them with one I had taken with Ian yesterday just to see what 35# will do. Lord, lord, I never knew I was so "chubby" LOL, LOL---

Glad I took the pics so I can keep a diary too...... Gosh do I hate sharing the photos with ANYBODY!!!!

But will for the sake of our BB and all the wonderful people that need our support as well as ME needing Ya'lls !!

Please let me join.




5'4 50 years old
started the zone 5-31-00 started atkins august 2000,
#238 starting weight
#206 a/o 3-16-01

My incentive to lose weight is: to be back to my NORMAL weight of 130-140 #

I gained 100 # after I married my DH- I was always small-ER
but after we married we combined our families and 3 boys and a new career really packed on the pounds


My Incentive: DH and me 22 years ago come this July


left column were all taken 5/31/00 - before (front/side/back)
right column were all taken 3/21/01 - current (front/side/back)