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Hypothyroid and still loosing!!!

Greeneyez Before

I go by the name Greeneyez on the internet. I am a 41 yr old female, 5'6" and I am HYPOTHYROID. I am on a journey to lose 150 lbs. My goal is 160 lbs, then I will see from there...

After many atempts of trying to lose weight last year (and many years!). In October of 2000 I just gave up in total despair. By the time December got here(only 2 short months later) I could not stand anymore weight, not one more pound! I was feeling BAD, tired all the time and depressed...

After doing some research on weightloss surgery and a whole lot of soul shearching, I vowed to myself that Jan 1st I would start my journey and I would make it to my goal. I WILL make it, and I WON'T let anybody or anything get in my way. I chose to do it the ATKINS WAY!

I went to the lobby at Wal-Mart and weighed in. Weighing in at 310 lbs was no big surprise, as it was getting to the place I thought I was going to explode. Really explode! I guess everyone has their limit till they can't take it anymore and that was mine. So, I started my journey on January 1st 2001 at 310 lbs...


As of today, Monday 4/16/2001 It is the end of 15 weeks, I have lost 50 lbs with NO CHEATS. I haven't felt this good in years. I am off all my meds except my thyroid pills. I WAS taking, 4 water pills, pain pills and vioxx for my back, pills for sleep, and wellbutrin for depression. With all that, and the way I use to eat, no wonder I felt so bad! My ankles don't swell up anymore, my back pain has eased up 70%, my depression is gone, and I sleep like a baby. I still go to Wal-Mart every Monday morning and weigh in. It is just better for me than having a scale at home and becoming a slave to it! And I know I would. I am so greatful to lowcarb eating for giving me my life back. I made this site in hopes that maybe it will change someone elses life as well...

I Owe A VERY Big Part Of My Success To The Atkins and Lowcarb Friends Website (LCF


Doing the Happy Dance while Greeneyez looses weight!

Keep in mind, I don't have ANY pictures at 310 lbs, so there is not much difference. I REGRET not taking any in January...

See this picture to the left? I gained another 40 to 50 lbs after this! This is about as close as I can come to show you. I always hated getting my picture taken and to prove it, my daughter is 21 yrs old and I only have 2 pictures with her. I hope to change that in the future...

Greeneyez April 2001 Current

Here Is Where I Started Taking Pictures since starting Atkins...
~ 260 lbs 3/5/2001 - 50 lbs down~


How Greeneyez does KISS

(RULES)was written by Kiersten and Greeneyez follows it. I didn't write it I got it from when Shally had it up on her site. I don't want to take credit for writing it when I didn't. I just copied it for myself and when someone asks for the rules. If you look close it says where she lost 80 lbs and I don't want people to think I lost 80 lbs haha! I wish I did.

The goal of KISS is to focus on real foods. Those two foods are natural meats and veggies. What is not allowed is processed meats (bacon, sausage, deli meat, etc.), diary, nuts and artificial sweetener (AS). If it has been processed or altered by humans, DONT eat it. Though bacon is meat, its processedfull of chemicalsso you cant eat that. Same with sausage, ham, hot dogs, deli meats, etc. Eat low to medium carb veggiestomatoes are okay for instance. Eat until you are full. You will feel fantastic. For some examples of my favorite mealsmeatloaf (no ketchup but load it with chunks of tomatoes!!!) with a side of green beans, steak with sautéed mushrooms (olive oil), grilled chicken and homemade salsa (chunks of tomato, cilantro, onion, jalepeno peppers, bit of salt and lime juice), scrambled eggs (yes, they are a meat), cucumber for a snack, side salads with oil and a little vinegar for a dressing or you can make your own dressing with natural herbs (this sounds time consuming but you can do it), the list goes on!!!!!!! It does get old but you will feel amazing and you WILL lose weightand thats the point! In case you have noticed a resemblance, this is a lot like Neanderthin. Though Neanderthin allows fruit which is too high in sugar and nuts which is an intolerance for many people. The concept is, again, natural foods eaten by the caveman, before agriculture and manufacturing. If it takes a machine to make it, then it isnt allowed on this diet!!

I feel its important to NOT try this though unless you are truly stuck. Why? Once you remove all of this stuff, it is hard to add it back in. Knowing about KISS may, at least, help you make better choices. If you can grab an Atkins Bar or a hamburger-choose the FOOD (That would be the hamburger!)!!!! If you could have some chicken or a deli sandwich with no bun, choose the CHICKEN. Avoiding the processed foods is key to KISS. Try to focus on these natural foods without getting drastic and see how it works. IF it doesnt or that way stops eventually, then try KISS full time, but make sure it is really necessary as there isnt much room left for tweaking once you have gone this far.

I, eventually, had to do this after losing the first 30 or so pounds. I have now lost 80 lbs and its the only way my body will let me lose weight.

As far as counting carbs, my #1 lesson that it took me many months of low carbing to learn was Its not HOW MAY carbs you are eating, but the KIND of carbs!. This is so true!! Processed foods (protein bars for example!!) are not the best source. You will find that you may be eating only 10 grams of carbs now, but of unnatural foods, and are not loosing. On KISS, you may be able to eat 60-80 grams a day and still lose. ALL of your carbs are coming from natural veggies and that will make a big difference in the way you loose. Start out at a number you are comfortable with, say 30, but add more veggies as you like and see how high you can go and still lose. You will be surprised. Try to use the same amount of grams eating low carb chocolate, nuts and cheese and I would bet money you would gain.

The next question I get is, cant I have SOME butter?, or I HAVE to have my coffee!. Once you do at least two weeks of KISS, with no deviations, and get a feel for how well you can do, you can try to experiment and see how a food worksfor you. You can call this an elimination diet as thats kind of what it is!!! Most people don't have tolerances to natural meats and veggies so you are at a good starting point. Add back in one of your favorite foods for a few days and see how you do. Are you bloated? Do you stop losing? Do you not feel good? Add in only one food at a time so you can see how that one food affects you. If you are trying coffee, you must first try it black to see if you have a problem with it. If coffee is fine, then test it with cream. IF that works over several days, test the AS you and lose. It may be a food you can eat on maintenance, but not to lose weight. I learned that nuts, AS, and most dairy were big NOs for me but I found that I could eat butter often, bacon and/or hotdogs every few days and a bit of cheddar cheese every few days without a problem. You have to find what works for YOU and the only way to do that is to test food at a time over several days. You have to be honest with yourself, if you stop loosing once you drink coffee (eat cheese, have some nuts, cook with butter, etc.) you must realize that this food you LOVE is holding you back!!! Once the weight is gone, you may find you can maintain with it, but REMOVE it if you want to lose weight!

I hope this answered your questions. If you decide KISS is what you need, please do this perfectly for a few weeks so you can see how well you benefit from eating this way and go from there. We all are different so you may be able to add back in diet coke, for example, but if you never remove the diet coke and it IS a problem, you will never know it and will continue to be frustrated with a stall. Of course, drink lots of water as its all you can drink!! I lost the last 50 lbs this way for a total of 80 and now am able to eat most low carb foods as well as some high carb foods and still maintain